ABOUT Route Five ( Kuala Selangor)
Welcome to Route Five Hostel and Co-working Space, the only bookstore-themed hostel & Rural Community Co-working at Kuala Selangor located at Pasir Penampang (A 100 years old fishing village just an hour away from Kuala Lumpur).
The only hostel offering a cozy tea room, tons of books, and a co-working space - and all of it situated at a small and climatic 100 years-old fishing village.
Surely, at some point you will come by, to admire the world-famous Kelip Kelip (Firefly) or to experience the unique Sasaran (Sky Mirror). And when you do – make sure you don’t miss out on an opportunity to stop by and relax for a night or two.
Take a well-deserved break from your busy city-life… embrace the local culture, enjoy the peaceful ambience and make sure to try all the mouth-watering food including the delicious breakfast dishes, that only few had the chance to try thus far!
And there is even more!
Route Five is not only a hostel, it’s also an exceptional meeting place, that you can use as a meeting point, a workplace, an office or just a nice place to hang out with your friends and locals.
瓜雪 - 巴西不南邦 ,雪兰莪百年渔乡之一.早期养殖血蚶闻名全国的渔村,也称海鲜天堂!
设计是生活之美的来源,我们要做的,就是在美学,技术和居住之间,找到平衡.我们以图书馆的元素, 保证舒适入住体验的同时,更加注重场景设计和软硬件配搭,让空间更灵活的被使用。空间经营,只有情怀还是不够的。所以我们非常重视客户的感受,希望提供有意义与专业的在地旅游体验.
我们准备了10间休息空间。其中5 间是双人空间。让数字游民 ( Digital Nomad) , 远离烦躁的城市,到这里继续你的创业冒险。来这里的的旅人愈来愈多, 我希望成了他们的领路人,并用相机记录他们的感动瞬间。
【五号公路】不到一分钟的路程,即是瓜雪萤火虫,老鹰观赏与天空之境的码头。周边4KM 范围内,还有马来西亚 —————— 观鸟,农民种植的水果蔬菜,和一片云海,稻田麦田。